Tuesday, August 27, 2013

There Will Be Good day And Bad Days In Parenting..

There are good days and bad days in parenting and I believe the good most certainly out weigh the bad. There will be times we make make wrong decisions/choices and there are times we make right choices. It is up to us to try not to keep repeating the wrong ones and better yet if it were possible not to make any wrong ones at all, however I am not that parent who has never made a wrong decision/choice. I try not to raise my voice although I have but not recently, I try not to say something that hurts my children, although I have even though I didn't realize at the time it hurt them. We will never be perfect parents, however we can strive to be good parents. When I was younger  my mom tried to tell me something for my good I thought I knew what was best and trust me now I wished I had listened to her more, because I then could have a avoided a lot of the heartache i went through as an adult... We try to tell our children things to keep them from repeating our own bad choices, however we cannot force them to listen, all we can do is to continue to pray for them (if you are a believer of prayer) and to continue to love them unconditionally, that is not to say we must condone and approve of all of their choices... So sometimes as much as we want to protect our children from our repeating out past bad choices and their own current ones we must in fact step back for a time and allow them to choose and learn from their choices, no that's not to say we can't give them advice it is however to say we can't for it on them and must not keep repeating our advice to the point of pushing them away which I have been guilty of at times and am now currently working on not doing that Does it mean I won't still butt my nose in, well probably not but it does mean I will try to not do it as often and only if I am concerned for the physical and emotional well being. I love them enough to try to give advice at times, even if it makes them mad although making them mad isn't my intention and I love them enough to step back at others times and let them learn their lessons the hard way as I did which is extremely hard when you want to help. So give advice and help when you can and step back and be quiet when needed and always always love them unconditionally even when you don't approve of and/or condone their choices, actions or words...

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